Having Western rugs in your home can certainly boost the image of your traditional space. This is a big reason why the rug industry is worth over $50 billion

Whether you want cowhide rugs, Western runner rugs, a cowboy rug, or a general western outdoor rug, this can be a great way to enhance your living space while giving your home a rustic theme. 

What can these rug types do for your living space? This guide goes over some of the biggest benefits. 


One of the biggest benefits of getting one of these rugs for your living room is that it offers a centerpiece for that room. Depending on what other furniture and Western décor you have in your living room, it could complement this very well. 

Let's say that you have a white couch in the middle of your living room. You may think that piece of furniture is too glaring and want something else to complement it in the middle of the living room. Putting one of these rugs underneath it with a slightly different color could be exactly what your living room needs. 


Another thing that one of these rugs can do for your home is make it feel cozy. Let's face it, when you invite people over to your home, you likely want them to feel like they are at home there. 

Considering that 50% of Americans have people over their house at least once per month, it's safe to say that you may have guests coming to your house repeatedly. 

The alternative to this is having a hardwood floor. Depending on how the rest of the room is arranged, it can be more difficult to give off that cozy feeling with that type of flooring. Guests can be left feeling like the room is just for show and that somebody does not actually live there. 

These rugs cover the small details and fill in the gaps to truly give the room a cozy vibe. 

Rug Layers 

If you want to go the extra mile, you do have the option of using layers of rugs. You can use a big rug to take up a large portion of space in your living room. Then, you can use something like a cowhide rug to put on top of this. 

The beauty of this is that you can get what seems like two completely different rugs and have them complement each other. You can keep people's eyes on one part of the room without having to sacrifice space for additional rugs. 

Get Western Runner Rugs 

These are the things that you can do with Western runner rugs and all of the other rug types that we offer in our collection. 

If you decide to purchase a rug, it has a chance to be a great centerpiece for your living room. You can double down on this concept by using multiple rugs as layers. 

Then, you have a better chance of offering a cozy environment. 

See what rugs we offer that are made in the USA here.

September 01, 2023 — Caiden Orosco

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